Register for MCA membership and gain exclusive access to members-only programming, resources, and discounts. MCA Members are eligible to borrow from the MCA library, submit upcoming concerts and events to the Choral Event Calendar, view the membership directory, and more!
MCA's membership year runs September 1 - August 31. Early bird registration and renewals start June 1.
NOTE: Please enter the name for the account in the Member Name field below. This should be:
Your name (Individual, Retired, Student, Choral Enthusiast Memberships)
Your choir, school, church, university, or choral organization (Choir Memberships)
Your business or organization (Non-Singing Organization Membership)
To prevent duplicate membership accounts, the system will only allow a Member Name to be used once, but an email address may be used more than once.
For example, Jane Doe is a music educator. She wants to register her school choirs for choir membership and herself for individual membership. She enters her name as the Member Name for the Individual Membership, but enters her school as Member Name for the Choir Membership. She can choose to use the same email address or a different one for each. She then lists each of her choirs in the sections labelled Choir 1, Choir 2, etc.
NOTE: If you are registering a NEW choir this year, we want to offer you a 50% discount off of the registration fee. Contact us for more details!
If you have questions about registration, please contact info@mbchoralassociation.ca.